Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

ISO 9000 standards can be defined as a series of international set standards used by companies to perfect on their quality. These standards were enacted by experts derived from different parts of the world. ISO 9000 Series Standards acts as guideline how companies are mandated to ensure their suppliers have accurate and appropriate quality systems. Basically, ISO 9000 Series Standards was initially developed with support from major credible international bodies obligated to ensure standardization in both quality management and assurance in all companies. ISO 9000 standards were initiated, developed and maintained by a credible organization known as International Organization for Standardization (ISO). These standards have been adapted by many countries globally approximated to be over 90 countries. Essentially, these standards were established with purpose of promoting international trade between different counties which outlines a set of requirements which should be adhered to by all stakeholders. As a matter of fact, ISO 9000 Series Standards is one of the major products used many companies worldwide. ISO 9000 Series Standards was first enacted and published in the year 1987. The Standards was developed with help of selected technical committee focusing more on issues concerning quality. After its publication, the standards have undergone several amendments and changes as evidenced by a major revision done in 2000. Quality is essential on every products and services offered by every company. Quality production being one major area of concern cites the reason why it is vital for companies to observe and maintain ISO 9000 Series Standards. Many companies worldwide are striving hard to ensure their products meets th... ... The standards were established in 1987, by a selected technical committee from different corners of the world. These standards were initiated, developed and maintained by a credible organization known as International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Currently, many companies in over 90 countries have adopted these standards. These Standards acts as guideline how companies mandated to ensure that their suppliers have accurate and appropriate quality systems. ISO 9000 standards are vital to every company or small businesses. They play huge roles in ensuring quality of products is not at all compromised in order to guarantee customers satisfaction. As observed despite many advantages allied with ISO 9000, it has its own disadvantages. These include the involved cost, consumers a lot of time, drawbacks for the employees and emphasizes on heavy documentation.

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