Sunday, February 16, 2020

Any evaluative article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Any evaluative - Article Example Furthermore, Peter Travers identifies the source of this movie, and it emanates from a classic novel by James Fenimore Copper (Travers, 1). Peter Travers also identifies the plot of this movie, and he begins by identifying the alliances between whites and the native Indians. In identifying the plot of this movie, Peter Travers explains the siege of the Fort William Henry, and also the ambush of Huron. Furthermore, Peter Travers identifies the excellent work of the director of this movie, Michael Mann. This is by explaining that he managed to depict a clear relationship that existed between the Indians and whites (Travers, 5). Furthermore, through this review, Travers identifies the various themes depicted in the movie, and mostly the theme of violence. He begins to depict the theme of violence through the action of Daniel Day Lewis, when his fires his rifle, and identifying the ambush of Huron, and the siege of Fort William Henry. Travers has also managed to effectively identify the roles played by leading actors, such as Huron, which is played by Wes Studi, Hawkeye, which is played by Daniel Day Lewis, Chingachgook, Uncas which is played by Eric Schweig (Travers, 7). Based on these facts therefore, Peter Travers manages to perform this evaluation, focusing on the themes, role of characters and directors of the movie, and plot of the movie. The overall impression that Peter Travers has regarding this movie is that it is a perfect piece of motion

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